Welcome to our Website

Our goal is to reach all of those individuals who must lead a gluten free (GF) lifestyle and those who choose to lead a GF lifestyle for health reasons other than Celiac Disease. There are many informational and support site for those wishing to learn more about Celiac Disease. Hopefully we can provide some information and a solution to one main issue for people leading a GF lifestyle – how to find gluten free desserts that are delicious as well as healthy.


Josh was just 2 years old when he was diagnosed with Celiac disease. And as a parent I had the power to help him make a successful change to the gluten free diet. I experimented with dozens of recipes to re-create the old favorite gluten free treats that not only Josh would love but that our whole family and of course our friends would love as well! This was challenging in the beginning but the more I kept at it, tried different ingredients, and reached into my creative self I started to see success. Seven years later I decide to share my baked-goods and declared that my vision is to "mainstream" gluten free baked goods.

Celiacs deserve the same convenience and great tasting products that others enjoy. My vision is to have Celiacs enter bakeries, ice cream parlors, restaurants and order a gluten free baked-good. The need to have gluten free products readily accessible to even those who do not have to follow the diet but may want to purchase a product for a friend, neighbor, or classmate is our top priority. This is a must so that the gluten free individual does not feel deprived or singled out-which is especially imperative for children. I ask, "why not have gluten free baked-goods such as cookies, brownies and even pizza in the school systems?"

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