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About Ernie

Ernest C. Palmer was born and raised in Niagara Falls, NY on 72nd Street, the oldest child of Scottish immigrants. His father, Matthew, was a proud UAW autoworker at Chevrolet-Tonawanda. His mother, Jeanie, lives in the Town of Niagara. Ernie is married to the former Michele DeMiglio, from Youngstown. He has five daughters and two grandchildren and currently lives in the Town of Lewiston, where he serves on the Town Council. Ernie is a 1977 graduate of LaSalle Senior High School. He later graduated from Niagara County Community College with a degree in Criminal Justice and completed his law enforcement training at the prestigious FBI National Academy in Quantico, Virginia. He was a member of Leadership Niagara 1998 and was selected as a NCCC Distinguished Alumni in 1999.

A Career Dedicated to Service


Experienced Police Commander; currently the Chief of Detectives with the Niagara Falls Police Department

Former Police Chief in both Niagara Falls and Youngstown, solid administrative and budget skills

FBI National Academy Graduate; hundreds of felony arrests for homicides, narcotics and other major crimes

Create an atmosphere of integrity and professionalism among employees

Please download Ernie's curriculm vitae for complete details of experience.

Energize and motivate officers toward mutual respect for citizens we serve
Special Awards

Prioritize services in order to provide maximum patrol coverage

2008: Honorable Service Medal (NFPD) / 2007: Recognized by Temple 2007: Lewiston Republican of the Year / 1999: NCCC Distinguished Alumni

Protect our community using advanced patrol and investigative skills

Please download Ernie's curriculm vitae for complete details of awards.

© 2008 the SOLUTION tree

Music by Jim Neyerlin and the New  Legend featuring Ernie Palmer on Bass Guitar and Electric String

Paid for by Friends of Ernest Palmer

P.O.  Box 384  Lewiston, NY 14092